One Generation shall commend your works to another and shall declare your mighty acts. (Psalm 145:4)
CCPC Legacy Society
Are You a Member?
Ask Yourself: “Does it matter if CCPC continues its mission of ‘spiritual education and action in faith’ for decades to come?”
Yes, it does for future generations: Think of your children and their children and their children. Your gift will give them the one thing that matters: a place where a multi-generational spiritual family gathers to learn and practice God’s teachings and experience his love.
Yes, your legacy gift is needed. Our church is funded by current pledges and income generated from our endowment. Your gift will go to the endowment to provide a consistent income stream. Think of it this way— you will be ‘endowing your pledge’ for generations to come.
Yes, a legacy is a personal statement of faith after your death. With this gift, you ‘bear witness’ to your family and your friends that Your Faith is integral to who you are.
The greatest legacy one can pass on to one’s children and grandchildren is not money or other material things accumulated in one’s life, but rather a legacy of character and faith. —Billy Graham
Will you join? To be added to the list, just give us your name, nothing else. We do not need to know the specifics of the gift.
As of May 2024
Legacy Society Members
Carl Alexander
Charles Alston & Susan Dentzer-Alston
Joe Anderson & Carolyn Johnson
Kenneth & Elizabeth Beam
Jean Bedenbaugh
Betty Clemmer
Susan Sonnesyn Brooks
Jean Cohen
Nancy Gwinn & John Cole
John & Sally Cox
Aimee Dominick
John Ferren
David Foster
Julia Fegley
Victor Fernandez & Deanna Troust
Rita Hadden
Julia Link Haifley
Peggy Hawkins
Derek Hawver
Nicolette Heidepriem
William & Marie Hoffman
Martin Hudtloff, Jr. & Mary Lou Hudtloff
John & Grace Hyslop
Elizabeth King
Walt & Susie Laessig
Kenneth Lowenberg
Tamera Luzzatto
Bon & Carole Minor
Mary Frances Pearson & Joseph Howe
Leo & Pat Phillips
Susan Price
Carolynn Race
Constance Rhind Robey
Nancy Rosan
Fred Schafrick
Christy Schmidt
James Shelhamer & Ruth Whiteside
Ann Sowder & Michael Huerta
Carol Lee Tucker-Foreman
Priscilla Skillsman
Elizabeth & Erik Woodworth
“I have always included charitable donations in my wills over the years, and always to those organizations that have meant the most to me during various stages of my life. CCPC and TAP are no-brainers, and I have included both in my will. ~ Priscilla Skillman
“About 20 years ago, I found a church home of caring, concerned members as well as a spiritual home. CCPC is a place where growing families, such as I had at the time, can find a welcoming and nurturing place for their children. I joined the Legacy Society not long after I joined the church as I wanted to be sure that this community is here for the next generations.” ~ Connie Rhind Robey
“Three generations of our family worship at CCPC. My daughter and our grandsons were baptized at CCPC. We included CCPC in our will so the church will continue to be a spiritual home for our family and for future families. ~ Susan Price
“CCPC has been our ‘home’ church since we were married in our beautiful sanctuary 38+ years ago. Our daughter Claire was baptized at CCPC and grew up in the youth group. CCPC has been fundamental to shaping our faith, especially our commitment to mission— including our support for our partners in Shikokho, Kenya, TAP, and our wider DC community. Because CCPC has meant so much to us, we have included CCPC in our will to carry this amazing work forward.” ~ Ruth Whiteside/ Jim Shelhamer