Music has always provided the people of God a natural and satisfying way to express their praises. The ministry of music assists every member of the congregational family in presenting an offering of praise, and it provides training and fellowship for those who use their musical gifts as choir members and instrumentalists.
For a current rehearsal schedule of all the groups, see the calendar listing in the weekly bulletin. Persons wishing to join the Chancel Choir, or Bell Choir should contact Julie Vidrick Evans, Director of Music at 202-363-2202 x 33 to determine the best placement. Instrumentalists and those in other related arts are encouraged to let Julie know of their availability.
The Chancel Choir
Chancel Choir rehearses weekly and sings every Sunday at the 10:00 a.m. worship service. Additional singing includes special Christmas and Holy Week services and several concerts featuring major cantatas or oratorios accompanied by orchestra, sometimes combining with another choir. The Chancel Choir studies and performs a cross-section of music from all periods, from ancient plainsong to the most contemporary music.
Music for Children and Youth
Music for children and youth is an important aspect of our community here at CCPC. We are excited about the programs which include musicals, education in choral singing and engagement in worship and the community. The music program is a great way for all to share their talents and praise God. Children and youth can participate weekly and use their acting skills in the Christmas Pageant or Musical. If you want your child to get involved contact Assistant Director of Music, Luke Stowell for more information.
Handbell Ensemble
The Handbell Ensemble is open to those who read music. Each appearance is preceded by a block of rehearsals. Contact for more info.
A Celebration of Music in Worship
Watch the full service from June 2, 2024 below: