Make Your Pledge
2024 CCPC Budget
In 2024, our church’s budget is $1.44 million, of which nearly 76% comes from stewardship pledges and other congregational giving. With inflation, many expenses are likely to be higher in 2025.
Here’s how the money raised in pledges in ‘24 is being spent.
The average annual pledge amount given by CCPC church members or “pledging units” (i.e., a married couple or family making a combined gift) is $5,950, but half give less than $3,600.
To make our goal of raising $1.2 million in pledges in 2025, we need every pledging unit to give prayerful consideration to pledging at least $4,000 – and more if you are able.
Our stewardship theme this year – “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms” – reflects our reality that the Triune God is our constant support of strength, support, and comfort. Through stewardship, we give back to God and our church for God’s steadfast presence with us through all.
Deuteronomy 33:27
The eternal God is your dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms.
Psalm 46:1-3
God is our refuge and strength, and ever-present help in trouble.
II Corinthians 1:3
Praise be to God and our Lord Jesus Christ, the source of compassion and all comfort.
How Does Our Church Show God’s Love?
Upholding and strengthening out collective faith through Sunday worship, preaching, music, fellowship, and education.
Growing in faith and spirit through Bible Study and small groups.
Teaching out children about Jesus’s love in Sunday School and Children’s Choir.
Nurturing young people’s faith in Confirmation Classes, Youth Group, Montreat Youth Conferences, and Mission Trips.
Visiting; supplying meals, rides, and comfort; and praying with members of our congregation in times of illness, hardship, and death.
Offering English classes to some 15-20 immigrants from countries every Sunday afternoon at no charge.
Giving to the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance to help people rebuild their lives following disasters worldwide.
Feeding more than 150 orphan children a hot meal 5 days a week in drought-stricken Shikokho, Kenya.
Serving children in our neighborhood through the Weekday Nursery School and the After School Program.